Source code for gerrychain.updaters.spanning_trees

Updaters that compute spanning tree statistics.

import math
import numpy
import networkx
from typing import Dict

def _num_spanning_trees_in_district(partition, district: int) -> int:
    Given a district ID, returns the number of spanning trees in the
    subgraph of self corresponding to the district.

    Uses Kirchoff's theorem to compute the number of spanning trees.

    :param partition: :class:`gerrychain.Partition`
    :type partition: :class:`gerrychain.Partition`
    :param district: A district label (part) in the partition.
    :type district: int

    :returns: The number of spanning trees in the subgraph of the
        partition corresponding to district
    :rtype: int
    graph = partition.subgraphs[district]
    laplacian = networkx.laplacian_matrix(graph)
    L = numpy.delete(numpy.delete(laplacian.todense(), 0, 0), 1, 1)
    return math.exp(numpy.linalg.slogdet(L)[1])

[docs]def num_spanning_trees(partition) -> Dict[int, int]: """ :returns: The number of spanning trees in each part (district) of a partition. :rtype: Dict[int, int] """ return { part: _num_spanning_trees_in_district(partition, part) for part in }